
6 Word Saturday

Get it done and over with, Teddy!

~~~~~ use procrastinating, because the more you dally your feet, the longer it will take to untangle the things that has been done and the words that was already said....

...nuff said! I hope the blue font doesn't count! ***wink***

On a lighter note note, happy Saturday to all of you dear 6WS readers and participants. I went back to take a peek at Jenn's over at You know...that blog and I was reminded that I miss 6WS!  Head over at Cate's Show My Face to join and have fun!

2 pinky-swear friends shared a thought or two...:

Jenn@ You know... that blog? said...

Hey there! Glad I could give you the nudge in the right direction ;)

Guess what?!

Cate is my next interview victim! I've got it scheduled to post on Monday morning. Come by and get to know her a bit better!

Have a super weekend!

Lady Sinistral said...

Hey, I gave you an award! Check it out!