‘Twas their last day together.
But he never came.
But he never came.
Quite unprepared with this one final goodbye, she turned her back even as her world crumbled and blurred. She put her earphones and sunglasses on to keep the silence away and the light from blinding her.
Heart's under repair.
Tomorrow's another day.
4 pinky-swear friends shared a thought or two...:
Hmmm… maybe I should tell my husband and his friends about this FFF. Sounds like a great way to keep writers on their toes.
Love this line best of all: 'put her earphones and sunglasses on to keep the silence away' — so true of many people nowadays, and I find it sad.
hello friend, you added your blog to Awesome Blog Listing.. It has been added to the list at #570 (you can check it @ dreadbob.blogspot.com/2007/05/listing-of-awesome-blogs-on-web.html) . As i can see you havent added my link dreadbob.blogspot.com or 'AWESOME Badge' to your blog.. Please do it, so that your link is not removed from the list..
thanks BOB Matharoo
:: belated mingle ::
Loved reading your 55-word story. You've painted a very clear picture in only a few words.
Very symbolic but enough expressive. Words selection is marvellous.
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