
my Tuesday Tales #1

I'm still here at the office, working till 10 (since last week) to finish off major document schedules required by our auditors. I finished  stopped early because I feel a headache coming and my eyes are a little blurry, so I thought of stealing a  little relaxing moment by blog-babbling! ***wink*** My boss went home already (how dare he expects us to finish HIS report tonight so HE can take credit for it tomorrow!  raaawwwrr!)

So came by Mariposa's Tales and found out she's hosting a new weekly meme, Tuesday's Tales!, where one can tell little love tales every Tuesday. tales, love tales...

Well, I could say I got a lot to tell! Last week, JV showed up at my door, already 'revived" in spirit. I've hinted in my previous posts that he is at the middle of a major decision last month. Clue:  he wants out, she does not.  I want to be prudent enough to let him sort it out himself, though I wanted felt I need to help him..conflict of interest, I know, so I did not. He was here for a couple of weeks during this "hard period" and all he did was sleep. I know sleep could be an escape from the things one can't face at once. So I let him be. One day he got up and said, "I need to go, I don't know when I'll be back."

But I have faith. 
So last week he came back, a little thinner, but he's back. And I'm glad. 

But sometimes, reality butts in at the most inopportune moment. He was assigned at the last minute to Cagayan Valley to do field audit on their FSOs (field sales offices) there. So he packed his bags again. But at least now, I know he'll be back on the  23rd!

Maybe our time apart will help us "clean the slate" and really find in our hearts the anticipation of spending our lives together. If not happily ever after, at least no moment is wasted...

More next time!

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