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Saturday 9: Settling the Score
1. Do you feel that you have “a score to settle” with anyone? No.
2. Do you own anything that you think is unbreakable? Everything breaks, at one point or another.
3. Tell us about a crazy thing you did in high school. Well, I did a lot of crazy things in high school but this one I can't forget: My highschool is a small town school wherein the whole compound is just bordered with barbed wire only. So one time, a couple of classmates and I decided to cut our geometry class (at that time,we thought cutting classes is cool ;) ) and we sneaked at the back of the school to climb the farm hill (after crossing the river) to pick singkamas (turnips). We didn't know there was one angry farmer watching and his dog came running to greet us! We ran, no, we "carreened" downhill with all the turnips flying. We came back to school without our shoes, our turnips, and very, very angry geometry teacher. That cost me 2days school service (1 hour each day sweeping the faculty hallway. ;)
4. Name the one talent of yours that you think is the best. Cracking your knuckles?

6. What is your favorite movie in black & white?
Schindler's List (1993)
Filmed in Poland, Steven Spielberg's masterpiece ranks among the greatest films ever made about the Holocaust. It's a haunting motion picture about heroism and despair. Spielberg doesn't flinch from the horror of this subject matter, and the result is a stark examination of the eventual strength of the human spirit.
7. What is one thing advertised too much on TV? Tea with L-carnitine ( all kinds of brands)
8. What is your current favorite TV drama? Koreanovelas.
9. What is your current favorite TV comedy? House.
9 pinky-swear friends shared a thought or two...:
No kidding about Schindler's List.
Wow. Great choice.
can not imagine barb wire around a fence and that story is great I am sorry but I can see you running away and turnips going everywhere
We had cows and corn fields next to our high school. Now it is all houses. :-(
I didn't even think of Schindler's List, what a fantastic choice!
LOL! #3 sounds like quite an adventure!
See... I was torn as whether to put House as the fav drama or fav comendy--I chose drama. But he does make me laugh!
oh yeah, schindler's list pala was in black and white. great answers!
Schindler's List looks great. I might have to watch that sometime.
Great answers.
I can imagine what happened in # 3 and i guess some parent's would say -- serves you right. hehehe
I love Schindler's List too -- i forgot that was black and white movie.
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