Food 4 Thought Friday
Feel free to play along for some yummy fun! I will post a new one each Thursday night for those that are on a different time zone. JOIN IN!!!
Food 4 Thought Friday ~ This week's questions
Food 4 Thought Friday ~ This week's questions
What is something that you still want to squeeze in this summer that you haven't yet?
~go to the beach
~go to the beach
What happened this week that was unique from the rest?
~It seems JV and I talk more when we are apart...
~It seems JV and I talk more when we are apart...
Where were you born? What is something unique about this city?
~ Manila, Philippines. this is the melting pot of filipino culture, being our National Capital Region.
~ Manila, Philippines. this is the melting pot of filipino culture, being our National Capital Region.
Midnight Snack
Where would you like to be right at this moment?
~in bed, catching up on some sleep!
~in bed, catching up on some sleep!
Recipe of the Week (instead of your recipe for life, what is it just for this week?)
~Absence makes the heart go fonder ~ just make sure there is a way of communication.
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