
Just a thought...

A moment too late, and the sky will never be the same again.

Why don't we learn from the skies that we see? Never miss an opportunity to give a helping hand, or a smile, or to say "I love you" to someone important to us. You'll never know, the moment may never come again...

View other fabulous skies here:

9 pinky-swear friends shared a thought or two...:

Jim said...

That's a truly beautiful sky.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Unknown said...

magnificent sky and beautiful thoughts.

Lorac said...

Very lovely! And you are so right, another moment and it is gone!

Marites said...

totally agree with what you said..but sometimes, we just take it for granted that things will return. Happy weekend!

My skywatch is here.


Yes I do think many people take things and life for granted. A beautiful photo.

Have a good day.

January Zelene said...

lovely dear!


Penelope Potty Snooper said...

I loved your thoughts!

fredamans said...

Very pretty view indeed!

Crazy Working Mom said...

Thanks for stopping by. Sorry I don't get a chance to visit much with three kids! Thanks for playing along with us at Looking @ The Sky on Friday.
