
30 Days of Truth -- Day Three (3/30)

Day 03 → Something you have to forgive yourself for.

I always thought that we should live without regrets. But sometimes there are things that we wish we could have done differently...
I wish that I should have read the signs when my mom started to show her diabetes. We were not always on good terms and I felt that I have ignored her. Now I feel that we have so little time together and how I wish we could have detected it sooner. Diabetes is a debilitating disease and  has already affected her sight and her extremities, she has difficulty walking now. Just last week, we (my sister and I) moved our mom to the province (in Albay) so that my other siblings could look after her. I pray that I can forgive myself for that! 

  • What about you, what is it that you need to forgive about yourself? 
Tell me via the comment section the link to your post so I can check them out, too!

The list for the 30 Days of Truth Challenge  is here

Day 04 → Something you have to forgive someone for.

2 pinky-swear friends shared a thought or two...:


I enjoyed reading your post and can fullu understand how you feel.

We as a family moved away from our home city in 1979, My mother used to spend a month with us each year as it was her birthday, we used to visit her every two weeks then in 1998 she suddenly had a stroke and passed away as I sat holding her hand if that was not bad enough my husband three days later was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer and he died 2 months later,
I wished I'd had seen more of my mother while she was alive or if we had not moved would have certainly seen move of her and my husband would not have done so much driving,
I can't undone what has happened and fully accept what life has thrown at me but I do visit my children/grandchildren as often as possible.


RNSANE said...

We all, of course, have our regrets but it really does not do much good to lament over the past. We can make changes today and in the future. It sounds like you are making sure that your mom is getting the best care possible but she must also take some initiative in making sure she is doing what is best for her well being. Diabetes can be difficult as it requires some lifestyle changes, changes in life long eating habits, sometimes. Nagging doesn't help, I don't believe, but reassuring your mother that you love her and are there to help may be helpful, I think.