
Boracay Sunset

Know what you want to do, hold the thought firmly, and do every day what should be done, and every sunset will see you that much nearer to your goal.

look across the land
a beautiful ambient light
rushing through the night


Friday Follow: A Celebration of Followers - April 30th

One 2 Try

Friday Follow

Welcome to the April 30 Friday Follow celebration hosted by One 2 Try,  Hearts Make Families and Midday Escapades! We invite you to join us every Friday to get more blog followers and to follow other interesting blogs. It is all about sharing and having fun.

Friday Follower of the Week!

Join Me On The Mom Road

and get the Lydia Eileen button:

Praying for Lydia

Click here on  how YOU can join the Friday Follow celebration

Friday Fill-Ins #174


pink and blue we go!

1. I was having a crazy week at work!
2. I was running late and I left my book to I don't know where!
3. Why don't we give ourselves a break?
4. A friend of mine in Malaysia was in my thoughts today, I was wondering how's she doing.
5. One of my father's favorite sayings was less talk, less mistake.
6  Depression--I know that feeling!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to having quality time with T as this week has been hectic for both of us, tomorrow my plans include finish up some tasks in the office and Sunday, I want to watch the Mosley - Mayweather fight!


Teddy on his way home from Cagayan Valley

“There is no end of craving. Hence contentment alone is the best way to happiness. Therefore, acquire contentment.”-- Indian proverb

But does the human heart ever find it? We look for it, elusive and undefined, in almost every nook and cranny of our lives.

If contentment means being happy with what we have,  does it mean we have to be ambitionless to be content?

Qoute of the Day:

True contentment depends not upon what we have; a tub was large enough for Diogenes, but a world was too little for Alexander.

Visit Smiling Sally at Blue Monday to see a bit (or a lot) of blue this week.
Let other blogger friends introduce you to their world and their way of living at That's My World Tuesday
Here at WW, it's always Wordless Wednesday everyday!
Post your waterscapes here at Watery Wednesday
See great outdoor scenes at Outdoor Wednesday!

Have a great week ahead!

Big Bang!

It's been a while since I joined this fabulous site and I'm glad to be back! Mellow Yellow Monday is a great place to see all kinds of YELLOW to brighten up your week!

"We anoint their fuses with a tiny amount of fire, and they come alive, playing out their life span in a matter or seconds.  In those few seconds a crack in the universe is opened, giving us a glimpse of the energy locked within all matter."
                                                                          -Bob Weaver

Addendum: this is for my Wordless Wednesday, too!

Six Word Saturday -- Take one step at a time.

Take one step at a time.

This is something that I have yet to learn. To relax. To let it be. My mantra nowadays: everything happens at its own time and pace. But sometimes, it's oh so frustrating to wait!  Some people say impatience is only for the young. Do you think so? Isn't it more exciting to just jump headlong?

Friday Follow: A Celebration of Followers - April 23rd

Happy Friday everyone!

Friday Follow

Friday Follow is a great and fun bloghop hosted by  One 2 Try, Hearts Make Families and Midday Escapades . This is a great place to read amazing blogs. You might find an interesting blog you'd like to follow and have friends along the way!

Check out the RULES  here.

 Friday Follower of the Week!

Congratulations to Mommy Living the Life of Riley of the Week! Each week we will randomly draw from all the links, one Friday Follower for the next week's Friday Follow, and the chosen blog will be placed in the highly coveted number 4 position on the blog hop. We love your participation and want to give back to you! You could be next!

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Sky in Summer

the golden seeds dancing
in the breeze, the sun scorching 
the land, drying up rivers.

The harvest and planting season is severely affected by the phenomenon El NIño ravaging the land.

Go over at  Looking at the Sky Friday and Skywatch Friday for more beautiful skies all over the world! have a great week!

Friday Fill-Ins #173 -- If wishes were horses, beggars would ride!


(click on the button to join!)

0422001435a.jpg we go!

1. Where are my socks?
2. If wishes were horses,  I'd be as far away as I can .
3. I'd like to see the future.
4. When I was a teen, I thought I am invincible.
5. One of my mother's favorite sayings was when you become a parent, you'll know.
6. I'd have a hard time doing without my glasses on.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to seeing my sister, tomorrow my plans include a bit housecleaning (I just moved a week ago) and Sunday, I want to go to St. Claire Chapel!

Monday Sound -- More Than Anyone (Gavin Degraw)

"More Than Anyone"

You need a friend
I'll be around
Don't let this end
Before I see you again
What can I say to convince you
To change your mind of me?
I'm going to love you more than anyone
I'm going to hold you closer than before
And when I kiss your soul, your body'll be free
I'll be free for you anytime
I'm going to love you more than anyone
Look in my eyes, what do you see?
Not just the color
Look inside of me
Tell me all you need and I will try
I will try
I'm going to love you more than anyone
I'm going to hold you closer than before
And when I kiss your soul, your body'll be free
I'll be free for you anytime
I'm going to love you more than anyone
Free for you, whenever you need
We'll be free together baby
Free together baby
I'm going to love you more than anyone
I'm going to hold you closer than before
And when I kiss your soul, your body'll be free
I'll be free for you anytime
I'm going to love you more than anyone
I'm going to love you more than anyone

Today is...National Stress Awareness Day

To raise the importance of dealing properly with stress, the Health Resource Network(HRN) started the Stress Awareness Day in 1992

All living things experience stress everyday, in varying degrees and frequencies. It is a normal body reaction to threatening events -- real or imagined. If we feel imminent danger, we automatically go into flight or fight mode called the stress response

Stress could be a good thing or a bad thing depending on how one looks at it.

Proper stress management can be beneficial. It can make you perform better at a faster pace, can make you stay alert and focused on the task at hand.

But inability to cope with external stressors can have an effect on our health, both physical and emotional.

According to CSM, Center for Stress Management,  the following symptoms are indications of stress overload and therefore must attended to immediately.

  • Alcohol/drug abuse
  • Avoidance/phobias
  • Sleep disturbances/insomnia
  • Increased nicotine/caffeine intake
  • Restlessness
  • Loss of appetite/overeating
  • Anorexia, bulimia
  • Aggression/irritability
  • Poor driving
  • Accident proneness
  • Impaired speech/voice tremor
  • Poor time management
  • Compulsive behaviour
  • Checking rituals
  • Tics, spasms
  • Nervous cough
  • Low productivity
  • Withdrawing form relationships
  • Clenched fists
  • Teeth grinding
  • Type A behaviour e.g. talking/walking/eating
  • faster;competitive; hostile;
  • Increased absenteeism
  • Decreased/increased sexual activity
  • Eat/walk/talk faster
  • Sulking behaviour
  • Frequent crying
  • Unkempt appearance
  • Poor eye contact

Take the Stress test HERE

If you think you are stressed out already, you can try doing these relaxing things. It can be done at no cost at all, easy to do, and definitely works!
  1. Say NO.
  2. Read.
  3. Laugh out loud.
  4. Play with children.
  5. Hug someone.
  6. Pray.
  7. Run in the park, or walk around the block (if there no parks)
  8. Say a silent prayer.
  9. Watch the sun set.
  10. Look out the window and look at something green.
  11. Do some stretching.
  12. Have a good cry.
  13. Take a deep breath and count 1 to 10, or 100 
  14. Hum a tune.
  15. Have tea, especially chamomile.
  16. Write.
  17. Take a shower.
  18. Light scented candles
  19. Talk to a friend.
  20. Write.

Friday Follow: A Celebration of Followers - April 16th

Friday Follow

Friday Follow is a great and fun bloghop hosted by . This is a great place to read amazing blogs. You might find an interesting blog you'd like to follow and have friends along the way!

Check out the RULES  here.

Friday Follower of the Week!

Congratulations to The Human Race 600, this week's Friday Follower of the Week! Each week we will randomly draw from all the links, one Friday Follower for the next week's Friday Follow, and the chosen blog will be placed in the highly coveted number 4 position on the blog hop. We love your participation and want to give back to you! You could be next!

MckLinky is turning their site around so I can't seem to  post the Linky list.

April 16, 2010-- for Never!

tossing it out  is daring everyone to do the Blogging From A to Z April Challenge! The rules are here in the  A-Z Challenge

I missed 2 days of fun. I was in the meeting all day and when I come home I was so dog-tired, I did not trouble myself on the keyboard. Yea, (nod), excuses,excuses!

Today's featured letter is :


 Here is the list that any new  writer (such as me) must follow. In a year or so, I'm planning to get out of the 9-5 workforce and focus on freelancing on the net! For the meantime, this blog will be my training ground! Do you think I can do it?

  • Never overuse exclamation marks.
  • Never shift my point of view when talking about something.
  • Never forget proofreading.
  • Never brag.
  • Never be a snob.
  • Never use fancy words.
  • Never overuse cliches, quotations, hard-to-understand technical jargon.
  • Never speak my mind in another's voice.
  • Never shirk from positive criticisms and take everything in stride.
  • Never stop reading for the latest news and events.
  • Never take shortcuts on research.
  • Never stop writing.

It's Friday Fill-In once again!

Check the badge for more FFI's! Come and join, t'll be fun, promise!

Friday Fill-Ins we go!

1. I'd like a change of scene once in a while.
2. One of my most favorite romantic memories is a good and deep talk almost through the morning over coffee...
3. Last night, I had string beans sauteed in soysauce, vinegar, onions, and pork strips for dinner.
4. Sorry for the heartache.
5. Can we start now?
6. One of my worst temptations is chocolates; it is so hard to resist!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to cooking my favorite curry, tomorrow my plans include going over my sisters house and Sunday, I want to totally have a day off (sleep, read, eat)!

Happy weekend everyone!

Blogthings -- Chakra

You Are the Third Eye Chakra

You are insightful and spiritual. You trust your intuition.

You are deeply philosophical. You spend a lot of time thinking and theorizing.

You are wise beyond your years. People turn to you for direction and hope.

You are a clear thinker. You often know what you want to do and how you're going to do it.

Sensational Haiku -- Dance

Join the fun!

Click here for info and background on this weekly event!
The basics:
Haiku is simple! It is 3 non-rhyming lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively (a great way to use your fingers!)

This week’s theme is: Dance

to dance to the tune,
two hearts flowing together
structured, yet free...

Next week’s theme: Flames

Moving (out)

My flatmate A and I had a sort of "fall out" so decided to move out of the 2-bedroom apartment we've been sharing for a year.

The problem?

Her boyfriend. The "very much married to someone else" boyfriend, who is so controlling of her, that she has to chose who comes over to the house and watch what she does with her time,etc..! She, a 27-year old with complete faculties, has to keep her eye on her bf's financial carrot-and-sticks. And sometimes I hate her for it. There must be other options, I'm sure. I don't want to impose on her my views on the matter because I have my own imperfections, too (who doesn't?), but I feel that I can't just watch and be silent any longer. I've asked her a hundred times why is she staying in a relationship like that. A relationship based on control and mistrust but she just answered that one gets used to it with time.

One might think, "So what if he was a Mr. Right that became Mr. Always Right? He's not your issue!".

But he is. He is. Because he is putting constraints on me, too. He gets angry if MY bf visits, or if I stay out late, or if I'm at the house and he wants to get lovey-dovey with her. Hello! This is an apartment, get into a motel! He doesn't confront me, but pressures Ann by being verbally vicious to her.

So I moved out before a friendship is lost.

April 13 (again) -- for Kebab

Yay, it is A-Z Challenge once again!  And I really thought yesterday's the 13th! Arrrgh! Letter J's supposed to be 12th! Anyhow, that was still Monday (does it count?).

Today's featured letter is K. for Kebab

Delicious, mouth-watering kebab is my all time favorite! Every time my friends have a night out, we make it a point to check out  restaurants that serve them  (especially along Libis and Marikina area). Since I love this food so much, I have learned how to make it.

Basically, this is just marinated lean meat (beef, lamb, chicken, pork) or shrimp/ fish skewered together with your choice vegetables and grilled.

For meats, I normally choose beef or chicken. I marinate at least 8 hours (or leave overnight in the ref) with
kikoman soysauce, local "calamnsi", crushed garlic, oyster sauce and pepper to taste, basil ( if available), bay leaf, half cup of gin or vodka--optional, 1/4 cup tonic --optional mixed all together. Sometimes, when I feel extravagant, I put olive oil in the mixture).

You can use also squid, shrimp or fish,the best are "maya-maya" (snapper) and "lapu-lapu" (Phillipine grouper) and salmon. No need the marinade, just season with salt and pepper with basil/oregano. Just make sure the fish/ seafood is fresh.

As for the veggies, I use white onions (puting sibuyas) , bell peppers, brocolli heads. Dont forget the tomatoes!

Do not throw away the marinade just yet!

Skewer them using metal skewers or the local BBQ sticks. As you grill over medium heat ( as I hate too burned food, especially grilled), brush the meat with the marinade to keep it moist.

And voila! You can pair it with rice or bread. Or none at all! It's best shared over beer, among friends!

Coming Home on Blue Monday

Mindoro Port by D.C.

fin'lly coming home
but you're cold, forever asleep
how can I hold you?

(click here for more blues!)

April 13 - J

I nearly forgot that the A-Z Challenge so here I am cramming, thinking about the letter J!

Well, I was thinking about one very special J in my life, who, unfortunately is in the world of online gaming right now, seated next to me. Arrrgh! No, I'm not irritated. Really.  Ok, just a little. It's just that sometimes he could be so... immersed. Yeah, maybe it's just a guy thing...

Anyway, I was googling and googling, and I stumbled on this site Love Letters where Da Juana Byrd says that people starting with J are ambitious and sometimes "too honest to a fault".Yes, and yes. He is like that,too.

Do you believe that your name influences you?

Other trivia:
J - internet slang for "joking"
J - a unit of electrical energy equal to the work done when a current of one ampere passes through a resistance of one ohm for one second
J -  the 10th letter of the Roman alphabet

Monday Sound - Making Memories of Us (Keith Urban)

I'm gonna be here for you baby
I'll be a man of my word
Speak the language in a voice that you have never heard
I wanna sleep with you forever
And I wanna die in your arms
In a cabin by a meadow where the wild bees swarm

And I'm gonna love you like nobody loves you
And I'll earn your trust making memories of us

I wanna honor your mother
I wanna learn from your pa
I wanna steal your attention like a bad outlaw
I wanna stand out in a crowd for you
A man among men
I wanna make your world better than it's ever been

And I'm gonna love you like nobody loves you
And I'll earn your trust making memories of us

We'll follow the rainbow
Wherever the four winds blow
And there'll be a new day
Comin' your way

I'm gonna be here for you from now on
This you know somehow
You've been stretched to the limits but it's alright now
And I'm gonna make you a promise
If there's life after this
I'm gonna be there to meet you with a warm, wet kiss

And I'm gonna love you like nobody loves you
And I'll earn your trust making memories of us
I'm gonna love you like nobody loves you
And I'll win your trust making memories of us

6 Degrees of Blogging

I just found a recently fun bloghopping idea via work, wife, mom ... life. Check her out for the rules.Basically you have to start from your own blog and pop into one of your interesting links, keep clicking into another blog until you reached 6th degree. Inform your chosen  blogger that they will be featured on your blog!

The Road Less Travelled-- I simply love her posts! Being a fledgling writer, learning along the way via blogging, I find her posts easy to read and very inspiring! Through TRLT, Vacant Mind hosted by Dan caught my eye and by reading, caught my heart. My 3rd degree is  Living Labyrith , a fairly new blog and I think there's more fun reading to come! Come and check Life Sure is a snoozefest ,too.  I love her profile and her posts and I'm sure you would, too! And Sensible Bakwas is quite interesting. Though I have to google "bakwas" which is an Indian slang for junk. And finally...

My Featured Blogger 
 A travel and photography blog that has simply great ideas and interesting posts!

The April A to Z Challenge

I found a great blog tossing it out who is daring everyone to do the Blogging From A to Z April Challenge!!! Being me, I can't help but rise to the challenge! Though I'm far way behind, I will try to keep up and do the rest of April. I am inviting everyone who visit this blog to come and check this out, I know most of my bloggy friends won't be able to resist! :) Today's Sunday so I won't be able to do about it (it's in the rules: Sundays excluded) so tomorrow, April 12 is a J day!

Happy weekend, everyone!

Random Dozen - (Grilled.Fried.Relationship)

1. Define a great relationship.
mutual respect, great wit, with space to grow.
2. Why is it called a "drive-through" if you have to stop? (Real question: What was the last food/drink you purchased at a drive-through?)
the last time was at McDo Cavite after my customer visit, though I never really enjoy eating while on the road. I prefer stopping at a restaurant, foodstop, etc... so I can pay attention and appreciate my food.
3. As I type this, the Butler Bulldogs are getting ready to play in the NCAA championship game. Every Hoosier is hysterical about this except me. So in honor of the Bulldogs ... what is your favorite breed of dog? (I tried.)
I'd go for a Lab
4. If you had to move to a state besides the one you currently live in, where would you move?
anywhere cool and near the beach
5. If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?
i would love to have a functional family, though a dysfunctional fam like I had taught me how to be independent early...
6. Who's the funniest person you know?
A person close to us becomes "funniest" one way or another, at some point in our lives.
7. Did you get enough sleep last night?
No, I don't think so. I rarely fall asleep before 12MN and there were times insomnia's always knocking on my door...
8. What's the first thing you thought about this morning? (is he coming or not?).posting on this blog. laundry. --in that order!
9. Grilled or Fried? --HONESTLY
Fried Chicken.Fried Potatoes. Grilled pork/beef/burger. Grilled Fish.
10. Are you afraid of the dark?
11.When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A teacher, though I lost the virtue of patience (which is needed to be a teacher) a long time ago.
12. If you had one word to describe yourself , what would you choose?

Friday Follow: A Celebration of Followers - April 9th

Friday Follow
Sponsored By:

Welcome to a SPECIAL edition of Friday Follow celebration hosted by One 2 Try, Hearts Make Families and Midday Escapades! We invite you to join us every Friday to get more blog followers and to follow other interesting blogs. It is all about sharing and having fun.
We're very excited to announce this week's Friday Follow Sponsor! Please grab BOTH buttons after linking up. By grabbing our sponsor button you help us to promote this new venture and keep Friday Follow going strong for everyone.

Check out our Friday Follow Sponsor!

Buttons and Blogs is your source for a blogger or word press makeover! Whether you need a button or a complete redesign, Buttons and Blogs will give you a one of a kind design with you in mind. Business logos are also available.

Here's how YOU can join the Friday Follow celebration:

--Link up your blog name and URL using the MckLinky below. Only need to add on one blog to be seen on all the blog hops.

--Grab the Friday Follow and Sponsor buttons and include both on your Friday Follow blog post.

--Follow the Friday Follow hostesses listed in the first 3 slots.

--Follow as many other blogs on the linky as you'd like.

--Take a moment to comment on the blogs telling them you're from Friday Follow.

--Follow back when you get a new follower through Friday Follow.

This list is new each week. The links do not carry over. Please link up each week for new participants to find your blogs. The list is only open to add your blog links on Fridays. It will be visible all week to visit the blogs listed.

Friday Follower of the Week
Congratulations to Jill's Real Life this week's Friday Follower of the Week!

MckLinky Blog Hop

Friday Fill-Ins #117 -- not M.I.A. anymore

(click to join!)

After a two-week slump, I'm back with a bang. M.I.A. for a while trying to get my life on track again. But after two weeks, it's still the same.

Arrrhg! we go!

1. In 1992, I was still a "green apple" with city life .
2. Life is not all laughter and smiles.
3. Do what you need to do, with what you have at the moment, where you are.
4. With Teddy is where I'd like to be.
5. The trees and flowers are telling me that the times are changing.
6. I want as growing relationship that just keeps going on.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to seeing Teddy, tomorrow my plans include finishing off my laundry (as usual ::sigh::) and Sunday, I want to have a lazy afternoon!